If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact the ITC office at (503) 282-4296. Intertribal Timber Council Committee Descriptions:
Operations Committee
The ITC Operations Committee's chartered purpose is to develop, recommend, and monitor strategic initiatives, and to manage special projects to accomplish the objectives of the ITC, as assigned or approved by the Board.
It's responsibilities are to prepare and maintain strategic plans, manage projects, provide review and analysis and make recommendations regarding matters assigned by the Board.
It is responsible to evaluate progress and the overall direction of the ITC, make recommendations for improvement, review/initiate actions to undertake, participate in the selection/oversight of contractors/consultants and to evaluate/analyze organizational structure and functions of the ITC and make recommendations for operational improvement.
Fire Sub-Committee
The Fire Sub-Committee is established as a standing Sub-Committee of the Operations Committee by and under the Executive Board of the Intertribal Timber Council (hereinafter referred to as the Board) and serves at the Board’s pleasure.
The purpose of the ITC Fire Subcommittee is to improve natural resource management and social/economic results from wildland fire program activities on Indian land.
Wildland fire management program activities include:
• Providing information concerning legislative and federal policies affecting the management of Indian forest resources
• Facilitate communication among ITC members on fire matters relevant to the management of Indian forest resources.
• Advising and working with the BIA and other interested entities to develop the full-potential benefits attainable to Indian people from the management of their forest resources in a manner that achieves a harmony between the needs of people, plants, soil, water, and wildlife.
• Encourage the training and development of Native American professionals engaged in management of Indian natural resources.
Research Sub-CommitteeThe purpose of the Research Sub-Committee shall be to develop recommendations, for consideration by the Operations Committee, regarding research plans, priorities and initiatives to improve natural resource and fire management and increase social/economic benefits therefrom.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing financial records, conducting an annual audit, reviewing and approving contracts entered into by the ITC, and managing the ITC's reserve funds.
Symposium Committee
The Symposium Committee is responsible for developing the agenda for the ITC's annual National Indian Timber Symposium. It is also responsible for reviewing symposium evaluations and recommending changes to future symposiums.
The committee reviews symposium workshop findings and recommendations and presents these to the Board for approval. The committee, from time-to-time, may also develop and organize workshops based on the needs of the membership.
Awards Committee
The Awards Committee administers the Earle R. Wilcox National and Regional Memorial Awards, which recognize individuals for their contributions to Indian Natural Resource programs. The committee evaluates the nominations and selects award recipients. It also evaluates the process and suggests changes to improve that process.
Education Committee
The Education Committee is responsible for administering the Truman D. Picard Scholarship program. The committee develops and distributes literature about the scholarship, raises funds for the scholarship through the raffle and exhibitor fees at each symposium. It also tracks scholarship recipients, their school and employment progress.
The committee promotes the scholarship by exhibiting at the Society of American Foresters and the American Indian Science and Engineering Society conventions each year.